Christ: Hope for Moreno Valley


Presented by Pastor Ernest Castillo June 1 to June 8 at 7 PM
Live Stream followed by Replay 

June 1, 2024 Who Did You Come to See?
¿A Quién Viniste a Ver?  PDF Aquí
June 2, 2024 Can We Be Saved By Traditions?
¿Podemos Salvarnos Por Las Tradiciones?  PDF Aqui
June 3, 2024 The God Who Gives Another Chance
El Dios Que Da Otra Oportunidad  PDF Aqui
June 4, 2024 Tasting the Dust
Saboreando el Polvo  PDF Aqui
June 5, 2024 Leave Your Country
Sal de Tu Pais   PDF Aqui
June 6, 2024 Anointing Service
Servicio de Unción
June 7, 2024  Walking on Water
Caminando sobre el Agua  PDF Aqui
June 8, 2024 11 AM Why I Believe in the Virgin Mary
Por qué creo en la Virgen María  PDF Aqui